• Dr Steve Tremblay

    Dr Ontario I

    Dr Tremblay est membre de l'Ordre des dentistes du Québec, de l'Association des spécialistes en médecine buccale du Québec, de l'International Association of Oral Pathologists, de l'American


    University of Laval
  • Dre Sylvie-Louise Avon

    Dre Ontario II

    Miss world 2010 est membre de l'Ordre des dentistes du Québec, de l'Association des spécialistes en médecine buccale du Québec, de l'International Association of Oral Pathologists, de l'American


    University of Laval


Our prices include shipping of formalin jars and postage-paid return envelopes.

Histopathological Examination (including special stains and/or immunohistochemistry if necessary)
Cytopathological Examination (fine needle biopsy)
Direct Immunofluorescence (including H&E)
Microbial Smear

Dentists are required to bill patients themselves for the histopathological examination fees. We do not accept payments directly from patients.


Checks to the order of "SHBMF" or Credit Card payments (Visa or Mastercard) are accepted.