• Dr Steve Tremblay

    Dr Steve Tremblay

    Dr. Tremblay is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, Université Laval, member of the Ordre des dentistes du Québec, association des spécialistes en médecine buccale du Québec...


    University of Laval
  • Dre Sylvie-Louise Avon

    Dre Sylvie Louise Avon

    Dr. Avon is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry, Université Laval, member of the Ordre des dentistes du Québec, association des spécialistes en médecine buccale du Québec...


    University of Laval


We offer the full range of services of a modern histopathology laboratory:

  • Histopathological Examination (H&E)
  • Special Staining
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Direct Immunofluorescence
  • Cytopathological Examination
  • Microbial Smears

Biopsy kits and Postage-paid return envelopes are always free.

Pathology reports can be sent by fax, regular mail or be obtained online through PathTeam. Register now!


How to proceed

If you received a biopsy kit by mail, you only have to send us back the specimen in a formalin jar, using the postage-paid envelope (CanadaPosts instructions for packing, item The parcel must be sent with a check or signed authorization for credit card billing (Visa or Mastercard) to cover the exam fees. A signed requisition with pertinent information regarding the patient must also be sent. You can download a requisition here.


If your specimens are larger than 1.5 x 1.5 x 5.0 cm, please contact us so as to receive the adequate size bottles and postage-paid enveloppes.


If you did not receive a biopsy kit, click here to get one now.



Patients with dental insurance can, depending on their coverage, be reimbursed for their histopathological exam.* The cost of the exam has to be added to the cost of the procedure as a lab fee. The same procedure is used for regular dental lab fees (dentures, crowns and bridges). Here is an example.

Similarly, periapical lesions can be sent for pathological examination and lab fees can be added to the insurance forms.


Important Note:

When submiting several specimens coming from different sites, from a single patient , follow these rules:

For a mulitfocal disorder, such as lichen planus or a large leukoplakia, please use a different jar for each sample, but only one requisition form. Identify clearly each specimen on the jars and on the form.


In these particular cases, exam fees are charged only once. On the other hand, if the specimens represent different lesions (for example, a traumatic fibroma of the buccal mucosa and a hyperkeratotic lesion of the lateral border of the tongue), please use one requisition form per specimen. In these cases, examination fees are multiplied by the number of lesions.

*Dental insurance offered by insurers varies greatly. Verification with the insurance company prior to shipping the specimens should be done to ensure reimbursement of fees to the patient.